Jan 31, 2025


Kentucky Lake 1-30-25
Report Contributor, Steve McCadams, Professional Guide/Outdoor Writer stevemc@charter.net

Riding the weather roller coaster lately have been both winter fishermen and weary waterfowlers. The last couple of weeks have seen ice take over a lot of shallow water areas and send the duck hunters back to the fireplace only to see spring weather slip in the door and really turn things around.

Winter fishermen are on the rebound and hit the lake last week once above average temperatures descended and chased away the ice and cold northwest winds. Anglers wasted no time returning to the boat ramps and open waters of Kentucky, Barkley and Reelfoot Lakes. To say fishermen had been suffering from cabin fever the last half of January would be a gross understatement. They’ve had to yield to the winter weather quite a bit these last few weeks so once the weatherman changed sides and started forecasting nice weather and rising temperatures they hit the ground running.

Last week fishermen were out testing the waters of Kentucky Lake throughout the Paris Landing sector and up into West Sandy as well. Several boats were seen stalking crappie out on main lake areas once a heavy rain passed through for a day or two. Water levels have been at the low ebb elevation of 354.2 recently across Kentucky Lake. However, watch for that lake level to rise as a heavy rain last Friday across the region sent a lot of runoff into the Tennessee River. No doubt TVA was prepared for the drenching as having the reservoir down to its low ebb of winter pool created huge storage capacity, so the lake was able to absorb the lion’s share of the flooding that entered the picture locally.

Odds are by the time you read this column and report the lake will be rising a bit. Both bass and crappie anglers may have to address a little current in the near future, especially those fishing near the main Tennessee River channel areas. Back in the bays rising lake levels may send crappie and bass up to meet the fresh rising water where all sorts of baitfish will be roaming the newly inundated territory. Keep an eye on the TVA website to monitor the changes in lake levels on a daily basis for Kentucky reservoir. You can access the various lake by going to www.TVA.com.

Meanwhile, crappie anglers have scored some decent stringers the last week or so by stalking deep structure out on main lake ledges and humps. Depths of 9 to 14 feet have given up fish around submerged structure such as brush piles and stake beds. There’re always a few angles testing out the deep sides of ledges and testing the 16-to-20-foot depth range. With jigs and live minnows, they often find some deep fish out there too. And there’s always seems to be a few fishermen targeting shallow areas too hoping a few winter crappie are roaming there.

A few bass fishermen have come alive since the rising temperatures lured them out of their comfort zones this week. Watch for a few bass to be taken around some shallow banks the longer this warming trend holds on. Others will pursue some smallmouth out in places where the current will put them on deep submerged sandbars and points on the down current side of deep-water hideouts. They’re out there waiting for the current to deliver shad right to their doorstep.

With the recent warm spell, it has teased anglers a bit. Wise are the ones who take advantage of it as they know this time of the year weather can change quickly and fall right back into a frigid forecast. Enjoy the honeymoon with warm weather here in early February. Just don’t expect it to linger too long!

Jan 17, 2025



Kentucky Lake 1/15/25

Contributor - Steve McCadams, Professional Guide/Outdoor Writer (stevemc@charter.net)

Mean winter weather has not cooperated with Kentucky Lake’s winter fishing scene lately. It hasn’t exactly cooperated with duck hunters either! However, seems there’s always a few people testing the waters of Kentucky Lake regardless of the weather! Frigid temps have curtailed activity lately. That’s kept most anglers off the water and close to the fire.

There were a few days when the weatherman allows a short reprieve from north winds and falling temps but very few. Lake levels have stayed pretty close to the low level of winter pool lately. Readings this week were in the 354.9 range. Watercolor has been clear. Surface temps are in the low to mid 30’s. The lion’s share of winter fishermen are waiting it out indoors and hoping there’s a break in the weather soon.

Some crappie anglers ventured out a day or two when the weather moderated but it was a short honeymoon as bitter temps quickly replaced a day or two of warm up. Crappie were taken in the 9-to-15-foot depth range by anglers fishing jigs and minnows around manmade fish attractors. Some tested deep main lake ledges at times and found a few scattered fish holding in the 17-to-20-foot depth range. Some reports indicated a few fish were even deeper than that!

Meanwhile, fishing pox is starting to affect local anglers yearning to get out and about. Hang in there. Sooner or later mild days will rebound, and you can get out on the water and scratch that itch! 

Jan 13, 2025

Monthly Meeting

 The monthly meeting of the Paris Landing Tourism League (PLTL) will be held Tuesday, January 14th, at 6 pm at the Senior Center inside the Paris Landing Emergency Complex.

Hope to see you there!

Jan 12, 2025

Snowy Day At The Park

 Snowy view of our bridge.  Photo courtesy of Paris Landing State Park.

Jan 3, 2025


Kentucky Lake 1-2-25

Report Contributor - Steve McCadams, Professional Guide/Outdoor Writer (stevemc@charter.net)

Another visit from the Siberian Express has curtailed the winter fishing scene. Frigid temps for the last week or so kept most anglers at bay, doing the majority of their fishing at the coffee shops or up close to the fire somewhere. Anglers had been catching some pretty good stringers of crappie before the brutal weather descend but several back-to-back days that never eclipsed the freezing mark sort of cooled the spirits of local fishermen. Watch for a rebound as anglers are anxious to get back out and test the water. They’ve been suffering from cabin fever for about a week and shown signs of irritability.

Lake levels have been low and stable. Elevation this past week slept around the 354.5 range. Watercolor has been clear. Surface temperatures were in the low 30’s as some thin sheets of ice were reported in shallow backwater areas recently. Odds are the crappie are waiting for the return of a few fishermen who had been catching them in 9-to-14-foot depths. Some fishermen reported finding them deeper around the 15-to-18-foot depth range around deep brush piles and stake beds. Jigs were producing but some credited their catches to live minnows or jigs tipped with minnows.

After a week of brutal weather watch for both the fish and the fishermen to get back in the grove quickly if the weatherman will cooperate. A few days of rising temps and light winds can see the bite resume quickly.