Aug 26, 2022

Piney Camp Ground Campers Fair

The PLTL will have a booth at the Piney Camp Ground Campers Fair this year at LBL.  

We will be there Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25 vending chili, hot dogs chili pies, cookies and soft drinks at our tent.

Hope to see you there!

Arts & Crafts Festival 2 Weeks Away!


We are two weeks away from the Arts and Crafts Festival. The park area roads have recently been re-paved and look great!

September 10 and 11
(Always the weekend after Labor Day.)
Paris Lakeway Kiwanis Club Arts and Crafts Festival
Paris Landing State Park
For more information: 731-363-3464 or  Facebook

Aug 21, 2022

The Crockett Men at Lunch & Learn

 Join with friends and bring a child-for this will be a great story and a great lunch. Allen Ashlock will bring the Crockett Men to life as we go back in time to visit the life and times of this historic family, and their Henry county Connections.

Genny Morran will be cooking for the occasion, and we think you will love her new Downtown eatery opening in Paris in September.

Aug 14, 2022

Looking For Something To Do?

How about hiking, feeding birds of prey, meeting some wild animals, taking a walk in the wetlands or making a snake skin??  Wow! Better yet -  how about making a snake!  Sound like fun?  Check out the Paris Landing State Park's Upcoming Events page and then head on out to Paris Landing.  

Come Play With Us!

Aug 9, 2022

Book Your Kids Party At KOA Paris Landing/ Kentucky Lake KOA Holiday

Did you know what we can host your kid's (or adult) birthday party at the #ParisKOA ? You don't have to be camping with us, and you get all the amenities including the pool, playground, gem mine, train ride, mini golf, pizza discounts, and more! You can even add on a foam party! Starts at only a $50 pavillion rental fee for a 3 hour block of time! Call between 9a-5p to book your party! #BirthdayParty #ParisTN #BuchananTN 1-731-642-6895 - KOA Camp Office