Apr 25, 2024

Refuge Spring Festival


To celebrate World Migratory Bird Day, the refuge is pulling out all the stops to put on a large family friendly festival we are calling "Refuge Spring Festival" on Saturday, May 11th from 10:00 - 2:00 pm at our Refuge Visitor Center located at 1371 Wildlife Drive in Springville, TN. Hotdog lunches for $5 plus bake sale items.

We have asked many partners to come help us put on this FREE event. Here is a list of partners and activities:
Tennessee NWR - archery, Great Migration Adventure Game, Pollinator Wheel of Fortune
Friends of TNWR - Bluebird Box Building Station - box kits $10, birdy crafts
TWRA - Mobile Museum, little archers
TVA - Clean water educational station - water testing
LBL Woodlands Nature Station - live raptors
UT Martin Wildlife Society - live wildlife, show and tell, Pollinator Bingo
National Guard - bouncy games, goofy cart races, arm wrestling, and more
Civil Air Patrol - selfie station
PLUS - Lots of freebie give-aways!

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