Feb 25, 2020

Feb 14, 2020

Malone's Marine Demo Day

• When: February 28 & 29 (10:00AM-3:00PM)
• Where: Paris Landing Marina on Kentucky Lake
• We will have a FULL lineup of Vexus Boats (Fiberglass and Aluminum) and Caymas Boats.
• Please give us a call at (731)642-9222 or email at sales@malonesmarinesales.com to reserve your ride today.
Help us get the word out by sharing and liking this post! Thank you and we hope to see everyone on the lake!

Feb 12, 2020

Notes From Monthly PLTL Meeting

  • Janet Barrett was voted to be Vice President replacing Sheila Spence. All the other officers remain the same.  See a list of all officers at:  What We Do
  • We will be participating at the Piney Campers Fair September 19th and 20th.
  • Dates for Santa's Night of Lights with Paris Landing State Park have been confirmed for December 12th and 13th.
  • Also confirmed that Santa Claus will be there that weekend.
The mission of the Paris Landing Tourism League is to promote tourism to the area of Paris Landing and Henry County, Tennessee.  

Want to help? Please join us.

The PLTL is self-funded.  We  do not receive any grant money or government funding.  The only monies we receive come from membership fees, donations, events we sponsor or help sponsor, and fund raisers.  Your participation and donations are greatly appreciated. 

Annual Membership Fees
Click here for an application form.
Individual supporter: $25
Family supporters: $50
Businesses $100 (includes link from this website.)

Read more about us and what we do at:    What We Do

Feb 10, 2020

Paris Landing Marina Fishing Tourney & Event Schedule for 2020

Just got the 2020 Fishing Tourney & Event Schedule for Paris Landing Marina.  We will be merging this into our Event Schedule over the next few days, but for those of you who just can't wait ---- here it is!

Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Paris Landing Tourism League (PLTL) will be held Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6 pm at the Paris Landing Emergency Complex at 15616 Hwy 79 N., Suite A
Buchanan, Tennessee 38222.

We hope you'll join us.

Feb 5, 2020

Recycle/Spring Cleaning Day At Paris Landing State Park


Recycle/Spring Cleaning Day!

 · Hosted by Paris Landing State Park

Recycling is an essential part in keeping our park and our planet clean and healthy! Join us from 8:00 AM-2:00 PM to get your volunteer hours in and help keep our park clean! Volunteers are free to stay as long as they want during our designated volunteer times. We will meet at the Park Office at 8:00 AM and will be removing the litter that has washed up on our shorelines. Please bring old clothes you do not mind getting dirty. Advanced registration is requested. https://tnstateparks.com/parks/event_details/paris-landing/#/?event=recyclespring-cleaning-day

Feb 4, 2020

Congrats To KOA!

Got our Founders Award & President's Award placard, along with our new KOA flag in the mail for the 2020 season. Feels good to be recognized for hard work...but it's also a tribute to our way awesome campers, too!
Thanks to all those who camped with us in 2019!